Feb 7, 2018

Dog Leash Materials

Category: General
Posted by: Suresh

Manufacturers produce dog leash using different materials, with the most common ones outlined below.


One of the most common and traditional materials used in the making of a dog leash is leather. Many people like leather leashes because they have a classic look with them, and they can also feel nice to the hands. However, some upkeep is necessary to ensure that your leather leash stays in tip top condition. For one, you need to treat them the oil leather or leather conditioner to keep them soft and supple. Otherwise, the leather will turn hard and crack and lose its natural give.

You also need to keep in mind that dogs, like their owners, also love leather—as chew toys, that is. This is why you need to store your leather dog leash away and safe from your dog when not in use. This is especially true in the case of puppies. Also, when you plan to buy leather leashes, consider investing in a premium and high quality one. Many unfortunate dog owners have found that a cheap leather dog leash is often a waste of money.


If you are looking for a dog leash that is durable but affordable, then nylon may be the perfect option to go for. Another benefit to consider is that this material comes in a wide variety of colours and designs, perfect if you’re very specific with how your dog leash matches with your dog’s fashion. But for some dog owners, the most important reason to buy leashes made from nylon is that they’re water-proof to a certain extent. They do get wet, but they hold up against water better than other materials used as dog leash. Still, if they do get wet, it is recommended that you dry them up completely before using them again.

A problem with nylon leashes is that they’re not very difficult for dogs to chew on. In addition, some dog owners have suffered from friction burn in their hands. This is because their dogs keep pulling on their leashes, causing the nylon to rub against the owner’s hands.

Reflective Materials

Another growing trend among dog leash manufacturers is the use of reflective materials. These types of dog leash are actually still made of leather or nylon at the base, with the reflective material being embedded onto them. Together with reflective dog collars and similar dog accessories, these types of leash are excellent for dog owners who take their dogs for a walk at night or very early in the morning. There are also leashes that have LED bulbs attached to them, thus giving the dog leash the ability to create light instead of just reflecting them. This kind of leash offers better visibility during the night time.


Metal chains are ideal types for dogs that chew through the other materials mentioned above. However, you need to remember that they can be heavy and this added weight can be uncomfortable for dogs. Thus, this types are best suited for the really big and stronger dogs. There are smaller and lighter dog leash chains available though but they’re not as strong and durable as the larger versions, and are ideal only for puppies.

Wide Range of Dog Leash Available at Paws and Claws

Choosing the right dog leash will depend on a lot of factors like your dog’s size, behaviour, the purpose of the leash and of course your budget. If you need help choosing the most suitable leash for your dog, do drop by our stores and our friendly experts will be more than happy to help you out. Our main store is located in Milperra, and we have another one at the Shop Smart Shopping Plaza in Mt. Druitt. We also have a range of pet care products, dog food and cat food (and other types of feeds for pets), pet housing like bird cages and many, many more.